Southern Appalachian Plant Society

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SAPS meeting-Rethink Your House Plant Options

February 20 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST

February 20
SAPS meeting. 7 pm. Hugh Conlon: Rethink Your House Plant Options. Zoom.

House plant options have changed considerably over the past 25 years with many new and in most cases better plant choices for home owners and apartment dwellers. Hugh will highlight more than 30 plant choices and describe their year-round care.

Hugh Conlon is an active garden writer and speaker since his retirement from the University of Tennessee in 2011. He has been a professional horticulturist for over 45 years and is the creator and content provider of the gardening website He has spoken to many Master Gardener classes in Tennessee and presents garden club talks and nursery/landscape programs in Tennessee and other states. In addition he contributes articles to Tennessee Gardener and other garden/trade magazines, organizes garden tours throughout Tennessee and nearby states, and consults with gardeners, commercial landscapers and growers.

Born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Hugh attended Cornell University (BS degree), University of Delaware (MS degree), and Michigan State University. Hugh has served on the SAPS Board since its inception including two terms as president. Other memberships include Perennial Plant Association, Garden Writers Association, American Conifer Society, and Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association. Hugh and wife Jane are the proud parents of four children and five grandchildren. His hobbies include gardening, photography, and writing.

Register for this meeting here.

Although the registration states the meeting is from 6:30 to 8:30, the actual meeting will be 7pm to 8:15pm.   The time before 7pm is to allow our president to meet via zoom with the presenter to ensure that everything is working including the presenter being able to share her screen while presenting.  When anyone joins the meeting they will be put into a waiting room.  Beginning at approximately 6:55pm those in the waiting room will be accepted into the meeting so they can watch our presenter.  A recording will be available for members.


February 20
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EST

